Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Falling For Him

"You are the miracle who has made my life more beautiful than I ever imagined it could be."I'm falling... and man am I falling hard. His name is Matthew Kael Nisson, but he goes by Kael. He is amazing/ I met him over a month ago at a hotel hot tub... he was awkwardly staring at my pump site, probably trying to figure out what in the world it was. I saw him looking at it, so I stared at him until he noticed I saw hims staring. Once he noticed, he got all bashful and ashamed for staring. I jsut laughed at explained to him what it was... Later that night I ened up going to his best friend Ryans place to hang out with them. I ended up staying the night... cuddled up next to him until sunrise. Just sleeping in his arms. It felt so natural to be laying there next to him. Even though I didn't know him, I felt safe in his arms. He made me feel safe and comforted. When morning came, he took me home and got my number. Less than 5 minutes after he had dropped me off, he texted me. Ever since, we've been inseperable. I can't get enough of him. I want to spend every waking minute with him... But sadly, school and work get in the way of that. But, we make it work! (: A couple of weeks after hanging out he introduced me to his family. I went over to 'Sunday Family Dinner' with him. What can I say.... I LOVE his family!! They are so kind, caring, and accepting. I felt right at home with them. Ever since that Sunday, I have gone over to have family dinner with them every week. Last week I found out that he got accepted to the U of U for his Masters Degree in Social Work. I am SOO proud of him! BUt..... that means he is moving for two years up North.... We decided that we will continue dating until he leaves in August, then if things are still going as well as they are currently, we will try to work out a long distance relationship. We both know it will be extremely difficult.. but we are both willing to try to make it work. I know we can make it work. (: We can talk on the phone and skype.. and on some weekends he can drive down here or I will drive up to visit. We can do it. :) Well... thats all for now. When I have more time, I will tell you more about just how amazing he really is. And why exactly I am falling for him. <3

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