Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Dream Come True

I'm engaged! To the most handsome, wonderful, loving, outstanding, man. I love him so much and I am so incredibly lucky to have him as my own. He purposed 2 nights ago while we were caving. We went down underground and threw glowsticks all around so the the walls of the cave had glow splattered paint all over it. It light up the cave and created a whole new world. I was up top counting while Kael was "hiding" HIDE AND GO SEEK!!! He told me to count for awhile because it was going to take a minute to get the his "awesome" hiding place. When I turned aorund to find him, down below he had a poster that said "Will You Marry Me?" and he was down on one knee. Funny thing though, I didnt see it form up top. It was too far away for me. So down I climbed in search to find him. I honestly didn't see the poster at all. Finally I saw him and in my head I thought "THIS is his incredible hiding spot?" haha. But right as I noticed that he was down on one knee and then I noticed the sign and it clicked just as he began to speak. He asked me to marry him, and of course, I said YES! I could never have asked for a better man for me. He makes me the best person I could possibly become. I have become somebody that I never imagined I could ever get to. His strong testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ is such an example to me and I love that he centers our relationship on God. I love him for that. Kael and I are getting marreid in the St George temple on August 11th, and I couldn't be more excited to start my life with him. Many people are telling me that Im too young; too niave to know what I want. But Guess what? It's my life and actually, I DO know what I want. And Kael is everything that I want. For those of you who disagree with my choice to get maried... Keep it to yourself. Congratulate me and move on. There is no point because I'm not changing my mind. I love him, he loves me, I know I wil be happy with him for time and eternity.. and that's all that matters. In 20..30..40 years from now, if I run into you. I will show you that I am still perfectly happy with my marriage. We will prove you all wrong! :)

I love you Matthew Kael Nisson. And I can't wait to become your wife for time and eternity. Always and Forever. <3

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