Sunday, January 30, 2011

7. Do something I've always wanted to do.

Well! I have accomplished something that I've always wanted to do since I was a little kid! I am in the Guinness World Records book for 2011! My older brother works for Clearlink and they set it up. We went to a golf course and made 1,279 snowmen in one hour. It was so cold, but so fun and exciting. The snowmen had to be at least 4 feet tall, you had to see 3 distinct body parts, oreos for eyes, and a carrot nose. It was such a blast!! It was me, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my friend Kristen. All together we mad 19 snowmen. It was so much fun. So now I am going to be in The World Record book! My name wont exactly be in it, but I still know that I participated in it. So yeah! I've now got 1 out of my 12 resolutions completed! 11 more to go!!

 I'm somewhere in there! hahaha. 

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