Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2. Get over my fear of singing in front of others.

So today I got over my fear of singing in front of others... Well let me correct myself. I didn't get over the fear, I'm pretty sure I never will.. BUT! I conquered my fear! (: Every month at school we have a 'lunchtime concert'. It's almost like a little Talent Show. My friend Kristen and I decided we would sing in it. We sang 'Someone's Watching Over Me'. We sang it for my Daddy. Both her and I were about ready to faint we were so scared. She felt like her bladder was about to explode, and I felt like I was about to puke everywhere. But, we got over the fear and stepped up into the middle of the room and sang our hearts out.. And actually, we did really good. I think we did at least. My voice shaked the first couple of lines, but after that I just had fun with it and it went good. Well. there you go. 2 down........ 10 more resolutions to go!!

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