Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day In Heaven

Daddy you're in heaven now, 
That's not suppose to be.. 
On this special father's day 
You are usually here with me.  
This is the first time to celebrate 
Your day without you near. 
But I still want to celebrate 
The father you were 
When you were here.  
I can't imagine Father's day 
In heaven up above, 
All the daddies gone from earth 
Surrounded with HIS love.  
My love for you will never fade 
The memories in my mind like a whirl.
You will always be my daddy, 
And I your little girl.  
Your time on earth as my dad is over. 
But someday we will meet in heaven brand new.
With our Father you now celebrate 
The love he has given you.  
Daddy I'll always love you, Happy Father's Day. 

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