Sunday, July 31, 2011

Testimony Builder

Woww.. crazy what the spirit can do. So just last night, Saturday night. I got invited by a bunch of friends to go to a party. It was an 80's party and was supposed to be way fun. And clean too! It was a bunch of good people. Good LDS friends, with super high standards. But for some reason, when I was invited I had a really bad feeling that I shouldn't' go. Which really confused me right? Cuz they are all really good kids! But! None the less, I listened to the voice inside my head and heart and didn't go. Who knows? They could have gotten in an accident, something like that and I was being warned. Well.. recently my friend who invited me said.. " Hey Ali, you were right. a bunch of drunk kids crashed the party so we had to leave." Once I heard that, I was overcome with the spirit so strong. My testimony just grew about 100 times!! I love this gospel. I don't know what in the world I would do without it! 

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