Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Poison Ivy...YOU SUCK!!

So about two weeks ago I started to get these enormous hives all over my arms and legs. They weren't going away so I went to my pediatrician who said I had poison ivy! Yayy me, right? So he put me on this medicine called 'prednisone'. Some dumb steroid that makes my blood sugar rocket straight up to the sky. So... naturally I am pretty grumpy about it. For the last 7 days, my blood sugar has been jumping from the 500's.. to the 600's.. back down to 100.. back up to 600. And oh is it a bundle of joy. I feel like I have been run over by a train and like there is an elephant standing on my poor head. So.. I am now up at 1:34am.. writing on my blog. Why? Because I can't sleep. At all. I've been trying, but it's not gunna happen. This medicine apparently has a bunch of caffine in it as well. So it keeps me up.. way past my bed time. I'm exhausted, but can't force my body to sleep. Oh man. Thank you so much Poison Ivy.. I love you. NOT!

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