Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Oh my goodness. So...... In less than 5 months, I will be in College. Crazy. People my age are all thinking, "in 12 months I will be in College".. But not me. 5 months!! Ahhh! I am soooo stoked for it. I am taking a bunch of online classes and I am graduating High School early. I will be graduating in December then going to Hawaii with my family for almost 2 weeks. When I return from that trip, I will pack up and head off to College. I am going to attend Dixie State down in St. George. I already have a place to stay and everything! I'm going to be rooming with my sisters old roommates. I am so stoked because I am going to be roomroommates with Alex... She is so freaking funny and I can not wait. I just want these next 5 months to go by super fast so I can get out of here, live on my own and start my life. I feel like I am growing up way too fast, but I love it. College life is going to be  a blast. Especially with the girls I will be with down there. Can't wait!

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