Monday, January 24, 2011

My Sister and My Best Friend

I don't even know where to begin.. I love my sister more than anything in this world. I know that she is always there for me. She is beautiful, inside and out. We look so much alike. Same smile, same nose.. people say we could be twins. Although at times she drives me crazy.. Calling me Sally instead of Ali.. Saying 'Have a cow'
and oh so much more... But that's why I love her, I love her for who she is. I look up to her so much and she probably doesn't even know it. To me she is PERFECT. She has such a positive attitude about life, always smiling. A beautiful testimony, one I wish I had. She has perfect friends and is a perfect friend to all. I miss my sister so much. She is always always there for me. I know I can go to her whenever I'm down and I am having a hard, tough day. She gives the best advice because she has been there. I can trust her with anything.. I miss her and I can't wait to see her over Presidents Weekend, and can't wait for her to come home for summer.
I love you Colbie Marie.. Forever and Always
Love: Sally ;)

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