Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

It's a New Year, 2011, and boy did it come quick! Every year I make New Year's resolutions and I tell myself I am going to do every single one of them, but then I end up never doing a single one. This year my idea to stay on track is to make one resolution for each month. I'll list all 12 of my resolutions and when I've done one, I'll write about it, (along with when I have other things to write about). So here it goes... My 12 Resolutions for 2011.

1. Do a big service towards someone, something, or a foundation of some sort.
2. Get over my fear of singing in front of others.
3. Read and finish the entire Book of Mormon.
4. Get in shape.
5. Go on an adventure.
6. Watch 'It' (most terrifying movie about clowns).
7. Do something I've always wanted to do.
8. Get better at the guitar.
9. Earn and save 1,000 dollars.
10. Hit a home run in softball.
11. Break my habit of biting my nails. 
12. Get in control of my diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. first comment on your blog, I feel pretty special.
    ali these are great. plan on me keeping you bust too!
