Monday, November 26, 2012

2 years you've been gone...

This holiday season will be the mark of 2 years from the time my father passed away. 2 years isn't that long, but when you are missing someone, it can seem like a lifetime. As each and every day passes, I miss him more and more. With this holiday season coming into full view, I am going to try to reminisce on the moments and memories I had with him rather than dwell on the fact that I can no longer make more. Although the 24th, Christmas Eve, is a hard day to remember... I am forever grateful for the night before he passed away and the precious moments that him and I were able to share. My dad is my hero, my best friend, my savior. I only hope that as he looks down from the stars above, he is happy and proud of the choices that I have made in this life. I can't wait for the day that I get to pass through the veil and meet him with open arms and a great big loving hug. I love you daddy, and I miss you. You are forever and always in my heart.

 "Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy".

This link below is a song that I wrote for my dad when he was sick. If you open it in a new tab you can listen to it. My good friend James Pike is the one singing in most of it and at the end is when I come in.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Dream Come True

I'm engaged! To the most handsome, wonderful, loving, outstanding, man. I love him so much and I am so incredibly lucky to have him as my own. He purposed 2 nights ago while we were caving. We went down underground and threw glowsticks all around so the the walls of the cave had glow splattered paint all over it. It light up the cave and created a whole new world. I was up top counting while Kael was "hiding" HIDE AND GO SEEK!!! He told me to count for awhile because it was going to take a minute to get the his "awesome" hiding place. When I turned aorund to find him, down below he had a poster that said "Will You Marry Me?" and he was down on one knee. Funny thing though, I didnt see it form up top. It was too far away for me. So down I climbed in search to find him. I honestly didn't see the poster at all. Finally I saw him and in my head I thought "THIS is his incredible hiding spot?" haha. But right as I noticed that he was down on one knee and then I noticed the sign and it clicked just as he began to speak. He asked me to marry him, and of course, I said YES! I could never have asked for a better man for me. He makes me the best person I could possibly become. I have become somebody that I never imagined I could ever get to. His strong testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ is such an example to me and I love that he centers our relationship on God. I love him for that. Kael and I are getting marreid in the St George temple on August 11th, and I couldn't be more excited to start my life with him. Many people are telling me that Im too young; too niave to know what I want. But Guess what? It's my life and actually, I DO know what I want. And Kael is everything that I want. For those of you who disagree with my choice to get maried... Keep it to yourself. Congratulate me and move on. There is no point because I'm not changing my mind. I love him, he loves me, I know I wil be happy with him for time and eternity.. and that's all that matters. In 20..30..40 years from now, if I run into you. I will show you that I am still perfectly happy with my marriage. We will prove you all wrong! :)

I love you Matthew Kael Nisson. And I can't wait to become your wife for time and eternity. Always and Forever. <3

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact your attitude has on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It's more important than the past, the education, the money.. More important than circumstances, failure, success.. More than what other people think or say or do.. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It can make or break a family... a friendship... a life. But the remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I'm convinced that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we will react to it... We are in charge of our own attitudes.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Only Memories of What Once Was You

Just like any normal school night, I was in my kitchen watching cartoons, eating my dinner. I was sitting as close to the TV as I could with my chair pulled up to the countertop like I always did. My mom always complained and said I would end up getting bad eye sight if I continued to do that, but I didn’t care. I liked being right up next to the action. My father had recently gone to the doctors to get his gallbladder out, but he was still having some stomach problems. So just to be safe, he went back to the doctors with my mother to get more tests done. As I was finishing up my dinner, the front door swung open and in walked my parents. Looking at the expressions on their faces, I could tell that they had just learned something terribly wrong from the results of the tests “Will you go get your brothers and meet us in our bedroom?” my mother asked me kindly with a somber tone in her voice. I carefully got out of my chair and headed down the stairs where my two brothers were playing video games. They were sitting on the couch together laughing and yelling at one another playfully. After I finished telling them what was going on, we climbed the stairs in fear for what we were about to be told. None of us wanting to speak what was on our mind; we stayed silent and walked through our parent’s bedroom door. Sitting on the new bedspread they had purchased earlier in the week, still stiff from not being washed yet, we sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Scanning the freshly maroon painted room for something I could put my focus on instead of the teary eyes of my parents, my eyes landed on a picture hung up on the wall over their bed. It was a picture of the Latter Day Saint prophet Thomas S. Monson and all of the apostles; they were wearing white colored suits in a beautiful holy temple. Some were standing and some were sitting, smiling at what I could only imagine was the camera. The room they were in was an outstandingly gorgeous baptistery, pure and white. I was sitting there thinking about what it would be like to personally meet each of them when my father’s voice finally broke my trance and the uncomfortable silence. Once he had finished talking, I looked at my mother as tears stung in my eyes, “Is it true?” I asked her. “Does dad really have cancer?” As she nodded her head silently I could hardly breathe—the room began to spin and I felt like I was going to be sick. I stood up and rushed out of the room, running through the hallway and through my bedroom door as I slammed it tightly shut as if I were trying to barricade the news from following me. Trying to block out the sound of my parents still talking to my two brothers, my hands flew to my head where they were placed over my ears. I didn’t want to hear them talking anymore. I didn’t want it to be real. I suddenly went weak and I felt like I might faint right then and there. My knees buckled out from underneath me as I crumbled to the floor. I cried out in despair as I prayed to my Heavenly Father, begging him to please help my family and to help my father. I began to feel overwhelmingly angry with the world and specifically angry towards God. I got up from my knees and in an outbreak of rage and pain I began throwing things. Everything that was in sight I grabbed and threw across the room: my school text books, a picture frame, pillows, and my lamp. With every swift throw, the items crashed into the wall and were destroyed. Carefully picking up the pieces of the picture frame that had shattered against the wall; I stared at the photograph that had been inside. It was a picture of my family, sitting together in a grassy field, with great big smiles on our faces. Looking at it I felt a piercing pain in my heart. How did it so quickly go from a happy family with no problems to a family that was falling apart? I felt like I was dreaming. I was in a nightmare and I wanted to wake up. In and out of the hospital weekly, having tests and chemotherapy treatments done, he was slowly withering away. For every week that passed, he began to look more frail and fragile. The drugs seemed to be making things worse for him, not helping. He would come home, appointment after appointment, with an anguished look on his face and pain in his eyes. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I began avoiding him. I couldn’t handle looking into those dark eyes of his and seeing the pain in them, knowing that there was nothing I could do to help set him free from his affliction. Looking back on those days, I wish I had reacted differently. I wish I had taken more time to talk to him, had told him I loved him more often, and spent a little more time with him. Instead, I had avoided him in the house, staying in my bedroom or even staying out late with friends just to escape looking into those troubled and sorrowful eyes. It was the night before Christmas Eve, and it was my turn to look after my father. Every day that week my family had been taking turns watching over him through the night and giving him his pain medications. Earlier in the evening we had celebrated Christmas together. That same morning my parents had gone to the doctors and were told that it would be wise to celebrate early. “Just in case,” had been the nurses’ words. I looked over and saw him wincing with pain. He was trying not to make any sound, for fear he’d wake me. Little did he know, I’d been awake all night watching him; trying to memorize every feature on that face of his. He had dark olive skin, chocolate brown eyes, thick dark eyebrows, and a smile that could melt anyone with just one look. I didn’t want to forget anything. I couldn’t let myself fall asleep or even close my eyes; for fear that he’d leave me. I sat up as I asked him, “Do you need more morphine, dad?” He nodded his head yes. Carefully climbing off of the couch, trying not to disturb him, I grabbed the medicine off of the coffee table in front of us. With shaky hands I placed the drops in his mouth. My eyes heavy with tears, I sat there and watched him. He’s in so much pain. Why him? Why would God choose him? This wasn’t okay with me. My dad was my best friend—I told him everything. Without him, who was I going to go to when I was upset or was having problems with friends or at school? Suddenly, there was a noise coming from my father. I looked over to see him fiddling with his fingers, almost as if he were pressing buttons on a small device. His eyes suddenly flew open and he looked straight at me, “Sorry!” He exclaimed once he saw the scared expression on my face. “I thought I was texting Colbie.” (Colbie is my sister. She was living away from home but had come to visit after hearing the inevitable of his death.) Oh no, I thought, it’s too soon. They told us he had another month. How can he already be acting this way? “It’s okay dad. Don’t worry about me. Can I get you anything else?” “I’m okay sweetheart, but thank you,” he replied. Through the night I lay there trying to cover up the hurt and struggle I felt with this situation of his impending death. It was so hard to just sit there are watch him literally wasting away. I wanted my father to think that I wasn’t scared. I wanted to be strong for him; I needed to be strong for him. “Dad,” I said quietly. “Are you scared?” He looked deep into my eyes as they began to fill with tears yet again. “Yes sweetheart. I’m scared. But not for the reasons you would think.” I looked at him questioningly as he continued, “I’m scared for you, and for you mother, and for everyone else. I get to go to a better place where there is no sadness, while you guys have to stay here on this earth and go through more trials and tribulations. I’m not scared to die. I’m ready.” He began to smile, “bring it on.” he said jokingly. With tears streaming down my face, I sat up and looked at him. I grew profoundly angry with him as he spoke those words to me. How could he say that? How could he just give up on life? “Don’t you dare say that, dad. Don’t you dare! How can you say that to me? How can you just give up? I don’t want to live without you; I can’t live without you. What am I supposed to do when I graduate? I want you to be there sitting in the crowd with mom, cheering for me as I get my diploma. I want you there in the temple with me when I get married to the love of my life. I want to have my daddy-daughter dance at my wedding like every other girl out there. What about when I have kids? They will grow up not knowing their own grandfather. Please, please don’t give up on me. Don’t give up on us,” I cried out. I lay there sobbing uncontrollably as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. The roles had switched. Instead of me taking care of him that night, he was taking care of me. “Ali?” he whispered, eyes glistening. “When you graduate, just have your mother save me a seat and I promise I will be there watching you, cheering you on. When you get married to your sweetheart, I will be there in the Celestial Room with a smile on my face, as proud as ever. When you have children of your own, I will be there to look after them. I will be their guardian angel. Ali, I will always be with you.” Hours later, the time had finally come. Sitting together as a family, watching him in his last moments of life, it seemed so surreal. Every few minutes his eyes would wander around the room, as if he were searching for something. I tried to focus on what was happening so suddenly. I was curled up on the chair next to the couch watching. I was numb, stunned, and unsure of how I was supposed to react. These things only happen in movies. I don’t know what I am supposed to do or how I am supposed to feel? My older sister and my two brothers were in front of the couch, crouched down by my father. He looked like he was in such pain and agony as he began to struggle for air. Swiftly, but reverently, my brother, Sam, took my father’s hand in his and choking back tears he whispered, “Dad, it’s okay. Just go.” My father then took one last look around the room, and took his final breath. The sound he made before that last breath will be with me for the rest of my life. To this day, I can still hear it; exactly as it sounded. To this day I still miss him and I always will. It will never be the same in my household without him, but now I have another angel on my team, watching me, looking out for me, carrying me, every single step of the way.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Falling For Him

"You are the miracle who has made my life more beautiful than I ever imagined it could be."I'm falling... and man am I falling hard. His name is Matthew Kael Nisson, but he goes by Kael. He is amazing/ I met him over a month ago at a hotel hot tub... he was awkwardly staring at my pump site, probably trying to figure out what in the world it was. I saw him looking at it, so I stared at him until he noticed I saw hims staring. Once he noticed, he got all bashful and ashamed for staring. I jsut laughed at explained to him what it was... Later that night I ened up going to his best friend Ryans place to hang out with them. I ended up staying the night... cuddled up next to him until sunrise. Just sleeping in his arms. It felt so natural to be laying there next to him. Even though I didn't know him, I felt safe in his arms. He made me feel safe and comforted. When morning came, he took me home and got my number. Less than 5 minutes after he had dropped me off, he texted me. Ever since, we've been inseperable. I can't get enough of him. I want to spend every waking minute with him... But sadly, school and work get in the way of that. But, we make it work! (: A couple of weeks after hanging out he introduced me to his family. I went over to 'Sunday Family Dinner' with him. What can I say.... I LOVE his family!! They are so kind, caring, and accepting. I felt right at home with them. Ever since that Sunday, I have gone over to have family dinner with them every week. Last week I found out that he got accepted to the U of U for his Masters Degree in Social Work. I am SOO proud of him! BUt..... that means he is moving for two years up North.... We decided that we will continue dating until he leaves in August, then if things are still going as well as they are currently, we will try to work out a long distance relationship. We both know it will be extremely difficult.. but we are both willing to try to make it work. I know we can make it work. (: We can talk on the phone and skype.. and on some weekends he can drive down here or I will drive up to visit. We can do it. :) Well... thats all for now. When I have more time, I will tell you more about just how amazing he really is. And why exactly I am falling for him. <3

Monday, March 12, 2012

Stuck between a rock and a hard place...

I don't know what to do with myslef anymore. All your life you grow up being taught to be 'who you are' be 'yourself'. But when you do exactly that.... You get judged? I just don't get it. They tell you all of this but then expect you to be exactly how that want you to be. Well I am sick of it. I am sick and tired of pretending to be someone I'm not. I'm putting my foot down. This is me. Alison Kate Leatham. I make mistakes...but I learn from all of them. I have a belly ring. I have a tattoo. I don't attend church. And no, I'm not just "going through a phase". I was "going through a phase" from the age of 12-18. I don't eblieve in the gospel, so I'm not going to pretend that I do. Everyone tells me that I am doing this because I want to have fun with my life but feel like I can't while I am involved in the gospel because of the standards and rules. They think I am bein this person because its 'easier'?? NOT EVEN CLOSE! It would be SOOOO much easier if I believed in the LDS gospel. The people who do are happy and knwo what they want in their life. They know their purpose. I wish I believed because then I wouldn't be where I am right now. I wouldn't be confused with who I am and where I am going in my life. One thing though... I'm not booting this gospel out just yet. Right now I am just taking a step back to see what I believe and not what I have been taught to believe. I need to find it out for myself. So right now I am seeking. I'm looking. I'm searching. I'm waiting. Patiently.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


You know how when you were a litle kid and you believed in fairytales? That fantasy of what your life would be: white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a big castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, Prince Charming. They were so clsoe you could taste them. But, eventually you grow up. One day you open you eyes and the fairytale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people that they can trust. But the thing is... It's hard to let go of that fairytale entirely because most people have that tiny bit of hope and faith that one day, they will open their eyes and it will all come true.